Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Deep breath!

I find it quite funny how you will hope and pray for things to turn out a certain way... and it's completely different than what you imagined! I'm finally in Mississippi. Have been for almost a week. It has definitely been different.
On the way down here, I prayed that things would be as I expected. Actually, that they would exceed my expectations. What a slap in the face! I have this tendency to make things completely different in my head than they really are. In my mind's eye, everything is much nicer!
Since my arrival, I have had a roller coaster ride of emotions. One day I wake up completely fine and the next I'm crying because of the overwhelming pressure I feel to get everything established. So far I have stressed over finding a job, getting school lined up, etc. I'm reminding myself daily that I have only been here a week. It's going to be ok! I will find a job. School will start soon and everything will be fine! Different but fine! Once that new routine begins, it will flow so much easier! Just breathe.

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